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UPNEEQ® is the first FDA-approved eye drop that lifts drooping upper eyelids. It causes muscles supporting the eyelid to contract, giving the eyes a more open, alert appearance. You can look bright and refreshed every day with UPNEEQ® for daily use.

Learn More About UPNEEQ® Eye Drops

UPNEEQ® Treatment Duration And Downtime
UPNEEQ® comes in single-use applicators, and you apply the drops to your eyes once a day. Treatment takes only a few minutes, but you should wait fifteen minutes before using any other eye drops. Some people may notice temporary redness or irritation, but you will have no downtime and can continue your usual activities.

Typical Results After UPNEEQ®

People using UPNEEQ® see, on average, 1 mm of an eyelid lift. While this may not provide dramatic results, others will notice that your eyes look brighter and you look more alert.

The effects of UPNEEQ® last about six hours. Do not apply UPNEEQ® more often than once a day.

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Ideal Candidates For UPNEEQ®

Most people with age-related drooping eyelids make good candidates for UPNEEQ®. However, this treatment can interact with other medications you may take. You may not be a good candidate if you take beta-blockers or blood pressure medications.

UPNEEQ® works on acquired ptosis, which means drooping that develops over time. A consultation can determine whether your type of ptosis can be treated with these eye drops.

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